1. The heart and goal of Christian spiritual life

2. Christians in the era of the flight from God

3. God reveals himself to us

4. God invites us to share his life

5. 'O happy fault,...': Original Sin and its consequences

6. '...which gained for us so great a Redeemer!': Redemption and its effects

7. The part that God plays in our spiritual life (a) A life of openness to God's grace - gift and task, baptism, the supernatural organism, God's grace

8. The part that God plays in our spiritual life (b) A life of openness to God's grace, cont. - virtues and gifts; the indwelling of the Blessed Trinity

9. The part that God plays in our spiritual life (c) Christ's role; the role of Our Lady, the saints and angels

10. The part that we play in our spiritual life (a) The fight against our spiritual enemies

11. The part that we play in our spiritual life (b) Meritorious good works

12. The part that we play in our spiritual life (c) Growth in holiness through the sacraments
